Dissolving Karma

Personal and Collective Freedom:
Unlocking Potential with Family Constellation Sessions


Family & Systemic Constellations is an illuminating journey into self-discovery, where you become conscious of and transform subconscious ancestral patterns inherited over generations.

Free yourself (and your system) from ancient karma and step into your life’s purpose, embracing love and fulfillment.

In our intimate group or private sessions, we’ll address relationship dynamics, inner child wounds, balance feminine and masculine energies, and align with personal missions for conscious partnerships and projects.

Benefits include heart healing, releasing emotional barriers, resolving root issues, unveiling family secrets, shedding karmic conditioning, harmonizing relationships, transforming financial patterns, finding inner peace, gaining clarity and drive, experiencing vitality, rewriting family narratives, and clearing transgenerational trauma.

Discover the transformative power of Family & Systemic Constellations
in a private or group session with Mica. This method opens a path to profound understanding and resolution of familial conflicts and dynamics.

Exploring Family
& Systemic Constellations

Family or Systemic Constellations, emerging as a unique approach that seamlessly integrates systemic insights with holistic practices, represent a profound journey into the intricate dynamics of human systems. Pioneered by Bert Hellinger, a German psychotherapist, these constellations delve into the deeper forces influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and emotional experiences across generations, shedding light on the profound influence of family dynamics. Rooted in unveiling hidden patterns within family systems, they offer a transformative pathway for understanding and change within the complexities of human relationships and experiences.

What are the Benefits
of Exploring Family Constellations?

Embracing Holistic Understanding: Family or Systemic Constellations offer a holistic
perspective, recognizing the emotional and energetic connections within families that permeate various facets of life.

Empowering Pattern Recognition: By illuminating hidden patterns, this transformative method empowers individuals to break free from recurring cycles, fostering personal growth and deeper understanding.

Cultivating Insights and Resolution: The profound insights gained through constellations often lead to resolution, enabling individuals to move forward with clarity, compassion, and a renewed sense of purpose.

How does the process work in a group?

During the workshop, participants come together to represent family members or other significant individuals. Together, they create a vibrant "family picture" in the group through mindful placement of representatives in the space. This potent process allows hidden dynamics, familial burdens, and unresolved conflicts to come to light.

In a constellation session, the person "constellating" brings their personal issues for exploration, often related to family dynamics or struggles. Resonators represent family members (or energies) without bringing their own issues. Like strings in an instrument, resonators act as conduits, tuning into and resonating with the emotions and energies of the family system being explored.

Both constellating individuals and resonators participate fully, collectively contributing to healing. Only the constellating individual shares personal issues, ensuring focus on their concerns. Throughout the workshop, there are group dynamics in which everyone participates, contributing to the healing process. This collective journey allows insight and growth for all involved.

I facilitate these constellations, encouraging participants to express their feelings and perceptions in a mindful manner. Through this holistic approach, doors open to deeper insights into familial patterns, creating a space for comprehensive emotional healing. Through Family Constellations, we unravel hidden family patterns, conflicts, and connections, providing deeper insights into your personal history and relationships.

How does the process work in a private session?

In a private family constellation session, it's just you and me working together. Here's how the process unfolds:

1. Initial Discussion: We start with a conversation where you can share your intentions, concerns, and any specific issues you want to address. This sets the stage for our session.

2. Setting the Scene: I'll guide you to first center yourself as your own representative, and then to choose who will be representatives for family members or other relevant elements. We might use objects or markers to represent people or concepts, or we could use visualization techniques.

3. Constellation Process: Next, I'll lead you through the constellation process. We'll arrange the representatives spatially to reflect your family dynamics or the issue we're exploring. You can observe or actively participate by sharing your insights or feelings as they arise.

4. Insights and Integration: As the constellation unfolds, you will gain insights into family patterns, unresolved issues, or hidden dynamics. I'll help you process these insights and integrate them into your awareness.

5. Closure and Reflection: Towards the end of the session, we'll have time for reflection and discussion. We'll explore how the insights gained can be applied to your life moving forward and discuss any further steps you may want to take.

In addition to the constellation process, I offer personalized support as an embodiment coach. Throughout our interactions, I'll assist you in developing and enhancing your discoveries, offering tools and guidance to integrate and apply them in your daily life. My aim is to support your personal and professional growth, empowering you to reach your full potential as a human being.

Is it possible to do the sessions online?

Yes, it is! The concept of energy transcends physical limitations, encompassing a vast and interconnected network in which we all participate. This understanding forms the foundation of online family constellations, where the power of energetic work extends beyond geographical boundaries. In this digital realm, participants can tap into the universal storehouse of information, accessing vibrational frequencies, energies, and emotional imprints that permeate our collective consciousness. Despite the absence of physical proximity, the resonance of experiences, relationships, and traumas persists within the energetic field. Through the facilitation of online sessions, individuals can explore these dynamics, untangle harmful patterns, and foster healing connections, harnessing the boundless potential of energy work to navigate familial complexities and promote personal growth.

What areas and issues
can be addressed through Family Constellations?

Life’s Purpose and Identity:
– Clarifying Life Roles: Understanding personal roles and life paths, gaining clarity on individual purpose and direction.
– Resolving Internal Conflicts: Integrating internal conflicts for self-realization, promoting personal growth and alignment with authentic identity.
– Cultivating Self-Awareness: Developing self-awareness to understand personal strengths, values, and passions, guiding the exploration of life purpose and identity.

– Embracing Authenticity: Embracing authenticity and embracing one's true self, fostering alignment between inner values and external expressions.

– Fostering Spiritual Growth: Exploring spiritual dimensions and practices to deepen connection with oneself and the universe, nurturing spiritual growth and self-realization.Cultivating Self-Awareness: Developing self-awareness to understand personal strengths, values, and passions, guiding the exploration of life purpose and identity.

Navigating Relationships:
– Building Meaningful Partnerships: Seeking and fostering meaningful partnerships, cultivating fulfilling connections and mutual growth.

– Understanding Close Relationships: Unraveling dynamics within closer relationships, fostering deeper understanding and harmonious interactions.

– Finding Compatible Partners: Realizing the factors that will help you find a compatible life partner, identifying key qualities and values for successful relationships.

Health and Wellness:
– Holistic Healing: Addressing physical and emotional ailments, promoting holistic well-being and healing though understanding.

– Exploring Health Challenges: Delving into health challenges such as illnesses, symptoms, and addiction, uncovering underlying causes and promoting recovery.

Unraveling Family Dynamics:
– Untangling Family Connections: Untangling intricate family connections, understanding intergenerational influences and dynamics.

– Breaking Behavior Patterns: Breaking cycles of conflict and behavior patterns, fostering healthier family relationships and communication.

Parenting Challenges:

– Establishing Boundaries: Addressing challenges in setting and maintaining boundaries between parents and children, fostering healthy relationships and mutual respect.

– Parenting Styles: Exploring differences in parenting styles and approaches, understanding their impact on parent-child dynamics, and fostering effective communication and collaboration.

– Sibling Rivalry: Addressing conflicts and competition between siblings, fostering understanding and cooperation within the family unit.

– Attachment Issues: Exploring attachment patterns between parents and children, addressing issues such as separation anxiety, attachment insecurity, or bonding challenges.

– Parental Expectations: Addressing challenges related to parental expectations and pressures, fostering realistic expectations and supportive relationships between parents and children.

Professional Growth:
– Career Transitions: Exploring challenges related to career changes, finding purpose, and navigating transitions in professional life.

– Work-Life Balance: Addressing imbalances between personal and professional life, managing stress, and cultivating harmony in various life domains.

– Leadership Development: Enhancing leadership skills, clarifying professional goals, and resolving challenges in managing teams or organizations.

Emotional Resilience:
– Building Confidence: Addressing feelings of emptiness, insecurity, and fear to build emotional resilience and self-confidence.

– Managing Stress: Learning techniques to cope with stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, fostering emotional strength and adaptability.

– Navigating Life Transitions: Confronting challenges associated with life changes such as loss, relocation, or career shifts, and developing resilience to navigate transitions with grace and resilience.

Financial Empowerment:
– Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Identifying and resolving deep-seated beliefs that hinder financial success, empowering individuals to pursue their financial goals with confidence.

– Navigating Family Dynamics: Exploring inherited patterns and conflicts related to wealth within the family system, and fostering healthier attitudes towards money and abundance.

– Career Clarity and Fulfillment: Clarifying career choices and resolving conflicts to achieve financial fulfillment, aligning professional aspirations with personal values and goals.

– Healthy Financial Relationships: Addressing unhealthy money dynamics within relationships, fostering open communication and mutual support in managing finances.

– Cultivating Abundance Mindset: Shifting mindset towards deservingness and attracting financial abundance, promoting a positive outlook and proactive approach towards financial empowerment.

Complimentary Consultation

I offer the opportunity to book a 30-minute discovery call to connect, explore our compatibility and alignment, identify your unique needs and priorities, and prepare you for your upcoming experience. You will need to fill out a questionnaire which I will read and assess. The spots are limited, so please be mindful to reserve yours only when you have made a conscious decision to start your journey with me.

Reach out to me to unlock the transformative journey ahead, whether you're seeking individual insight or collective healing in a private or group session.

We will contact you and send you information about the Family & Systemic Constellations via email.